
In the News

The Tin Pickle, Local Gedunk

2025-01-15T10:34:37-05:00December 5th, 2024|

TIN PICKLE, LOCAL GEDUNK The St. Augustine Lighthouse is shaking things up with its eatery called the “Tin Pickle.” This World War II-themed eatery embraces the 1940’s spirit with lots of unique offerings. Throw out any idea you have of what attraction food is because this eatery walks to its own beat. Think fresh, like the house-made pickles that have customers coming back for more. “The rosemary pickle was hands down the best pickle I’ve [...]

Collections on the Move!

2023-04-13T15:47:12-04:00March 28th, 2023|

Last year, the Museum purchased property as part of an organizational initiative to consolidate operations. The new property offers the Museum a permanent space to expand as well as a new home for our collection of documents and artifacts. The location also means that the building is safer from storms and hurricanes.  Since the end of 2022, the Collections and Conservation teams have been working diligently to pack up and move over 20,000 historical artifacts, [...]

Shrimpin’ Ain’t Easy Exhibit Celebrates the Shrimp Industry in St. Augustine

2025-01-21T12:32:03-05:00January 12th, 2021|

The First Coast of Florida, in addition to being the first U.S. coast to be settled by Europeans, was the first coast to foster a commercial shrimping industry. Spreading from Fernandina to St. Augustine in the early 20th century, following the expansion of the railroad built by capitalist Henry Flagler, the nascent commercial shrimping and shrimpboat-building industries were dominated by a number of innovative families of Mediterranean descent–including the Salvador, Versaggi, [...]

Luminary Night Events End With Social Media Blitz!

2020-12-03T10:30:24-05:00October 14th, 2020|

UPDATE: Tuesday Night’s Luminary Night was a great success! We had over 600 vehicles come through and help us celebrate the holiUPDATE: Tuesday Night’s Luminary Night was a great success! We had over 600 vehicles come through and help us celebrate the holidays and we packed the van full of donated canned goods. TONIGHT, we will light our luminaries and we ask you to share your photos on social media (either Facebook or Instagram) beginning [...]

Part from World War II-Era Plane Found!

2020-10-02T10:19:53-04:00October 2nd, 2020|

The St. Augustine Lighthouse & Maritime Museum received the tail section of a World War II-era plane that washed up along South Ponte Vedra Beach during the recent nor’easter.  The initial findings suggest that the part came from a F4F Wildcat, an aircraft produced by the Grumman Aircraft Engineering Corporation mostly based on aircraft carriers.    The section includes a tail hook suggesting it was carrier-based.  As the plane came in for a landing, the tail [...]

World War II Exhibit to Open August 1, 2020

2021-05-05T15:48:07-04:00July 28th, 2020|

ST. AUGUSTINE, FL – The St. Augustine Lighthouse & Maritime Museum proudly announces the opening of a new exhibit, “Guardians of the First Coast: Building Readiness for World War II,” on August 1, 2020. This exhibition, housed in the Museum’s 1941 Coastal Lookout Building, honors the brave men and women who defended our coast as World War II began. The exhibit showcases firsthand stories, letters, photographs and videos collected from those who served in World [...]

Press Release: St Augustine Lighthouse & Maritime Museum Partners with Farm Share

2020-07-22T13:53:42-04:00July 21st, 2020|

The St. Augustine Lighthouse & Maritime Museum is proud to partner with Farm Share in hosting an event for St Johns County residents that will provide food to individuals and families in need on Tuesday, August 4, 2020. We will be distributing 42,000 pounds of food through drive-thru distribution in the parking lot of the Ponce de Leon Mall in front of Belk Department Store beginning at 9:00 am until 12:00 noon. To adhere [...]

GHOST PROFILES: Learn a little about our lighthouse ghosts in these fun Q&As

2020-09-23T10:41:05-04:00April 23rd, 2020|

Update (September 23, 2020): The Lighthouse has reopened, and the Dark of the Moon Tours have returned! The codes in this post will not work any longer, but please give us a call or visit us online to schedule your tickets for the Dark of the Moon Tour!! GHOST PROFILES: Learn a little about our lighthouse ghosts in these Q&As from the  St. Augustine Lighthouse & Maritime Museum and Dark of the Moon Ghost Tours. [...]

Mission Accomplished: Preserving a Revolutionary War Shipwreck (VIDEO!)

2020-04-16T10:16:53-04:00April 16th, 2020|

#LoveYourLighthouse Your St. Augustine Lighthouse & Maritime Museum is closed to protect you and your lighthouse family from COVID-19. Your Gift of Love for our Maritime Heritage Makes A Difference. Donate today, or take advantage of deep discount opportunities by visiting www.staugustinelighthouse.org. Stay Safe and #LoveYourLighthouse https://youtu.be/XKPP-EgZVK0   Thank you for joining the St. Augustine Lighthouse & Maritime Museum for Mission Accomplished: Preserving a Revolutionary War Shipwreck. This is the second of a four-part series showcasing the Museum [...]

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