Become Part of the Lighthouse Community
Here are a few ways the Museum has positively impacted the community through the help of members:
- Educational Programs: The Museum hosts over 7,000 school-aged children, adults and seniors annually through field trips, camps and tours.
- Preservation: The Museum maintains six (6) historic buildings on the Museum site including our Lighthouse tower celebrating 150 years of service this year.
- Maritime Archaeology: Lighthouse archaeologists research, explore and uncover numerous shipwreck sites associated with northeastern Florida.
- Conservation: The Museum’s Conservation Lab provides a first-hand look at the preservation of local historic artifacts for future generations helping them learn about and connect with the past.
- Heritage Boatworks: Staff and volunteers educate visitors about the construction of historic watercraft from Florida’s past.
- Outreach: Museum staff and volunteers participated in more than forty (40) community events this year, including presentation, festivals and programs.
For questions related to a membership or to renew or purchase a new membership,
please contact Samantha Ray, Membership Program Coordinator:
Phone: 904.829.0745 ext. 245 | Email:
Museum Membership Levels: Click Here
Experience Ghostly and Other Adventures: Click Here
Remember that Museum Memberships make a great holiday present for friends and family this holiday season!