Bricks & Naming Opportunities

Whether commemorating a wedding anniversary, the passing of a loved one or honoring a veteran, bricks and pavers are placed on site in several locations with varying price levels. Please scroll below to read more about bricks and paver pricing and locations.  The Museum offers additional naming opportunities such as dedicating a wooden bench and memorial plaque, naming an exhibition or meeting space, or purchasing a tree for planting.


How do I purchase my brick or paver? Purchase your Legacy item online or for please contact Holly Powers at 904.829.0745 extension 219 or email You can also complete a paper form and mail it to the Museum with a check.  For a paper order form, click here.

When will my brick be placed? Orders made in January-April will have a tentative placement in May; orders made in May-August will have a tentative placement in September; and orders made in September-December will have a tentative placement in January.

Where will my brick be placed? There are several locations on the Lighthouse grounds offering multiple options for you to choose the perfect spot for your brick or paver.  On the map to the right, the Light Keepers’ Gateway (1) located along the back porch and breezeway of the Visitors Center.  These bricks or pavers are in an area not requiring admission to the Museum.  Lighthouse Keepers’ Path (2) is located along the north-south courtyard passage between the Lighthouse Tower and Keepers’ House.  These bricks or pavers are in an area requiring admission to the Museum.  The Military Honor Plaza is a new location available in the World War II section of the site featuring commemorative bricks to honor members of the nation’s Armed Forces.

Who do I call with questions? Please contact Holly Powers at 904.829.0745 extension 219 or by email

Bricks Map

Lightkeeper’s Gateway

Lighthouse Gateway

With a perfect view of our serene maritime hammock, the Lightkeeper’s Gateway is under the covered porch at the back of the Visitors’ Center. Many of our guided tours begin here and guests often enjoy the area before their walk to the Lighthouse tower or other points on the Museum site.

The Gateway Brick
4” x 8” │ $200

Each brick may contain a maximum of three (3) lines with up to 20 characters (including spaces and punctuation) per line. There is a limited selection of symbols available for bricks.  Please consult with a Legacy Program staff member for more information. 

Additional Legacy Program Options

Tribute Benches and Trees

Visitors from all over the world enjoy the Museum grounds each year.  Tribute benches and memorial trees only add to the site’s beauty and enjoyment. Each tribute bench or memorial tree gets placed in a unique location on the Museum site and includes a personalized brass plaque. Legacy Program staff will discuss location and plaque messaging for each product prior to placement. 

Lightkeeper’s Pathway

light keepers path

Located within the historic courtyard between the Keepers’ House and the Lighthouse Tower, the Lightkeeper’s Path connects the north and south sections of the Lighthouse grounds. Bricks, pavers and tiles along this path are seen by thousands of visitors.  The Museum offers three (3) commemorative marker options in this area:

The Pathway Brick
4” x 8” │ $300

Each brick may contain a maximum of three (3) lines with up to 20 characters (including spaces and punctuation) per line. There is a limited selection of symbols available for bricks.  Please consult with a Legacy Program staff member for more information by clicking here

The Pathway Paver
8” x 8” │ $1250

Each paver may contain a maximum of four (4) lines with up to 20 characters (including spaces and punctuation) per line. There is a limited selection of symbols available for pavers.  Please consult with a Legacy Program staff member for more information by clicking here

Bricks and Tiles
Purchase your commemorative brick online or call 904-829-0745 x219.