

Smithsonian’s Because of Her Story: Mary Postell

2020-01-30T10:15:03-05:00January 29th, 2020|

Mary Postell A freed slave after the American Revolutionary War, Mary Postell was born in South Carolina, enslaved again in St. Augustine, Florida, where she and her daughter were kidnapped, and then taken to Nova Scotia, Canada, by her owner in 1786. In St. Augustine and Canada, Mary tried to prove her freedom in court houses. Her story was written below for a presentation for summer camp students at the St. Augustine Lighthouse & Maritime [...]

What ‘shoe’ don’t know about archaeological shoe fragments 

2018-08-07T14:59:11-04:00August 7th, 2018|

These shoe buckles are on view in the Conservation Lab at the St. Augustine Lighthouse & Maritime Museum. By Elise Carroll Assistant Archaeological Conservator Many significant pieces of history are often over looked because of the regularity of the items occurring. Bright, shiny, seemingly significant objects, such as cannon and coins take center stage, while mundane utilitarian items are often overlooked because of their everyday use. Unsurprisingly, many of the archaeological sites we [...]

The Lighthouse Welcomes Smithsonian Scholar Dr. Richard J. Bell

2017-02-15T08:00:54-05:00February 15th, 2017|

Last week on Thursday, Feb. 9th, the St. Augustine Lighthouse & Maritime Museum had the privilege of hosting Dr. Richard James Bell for a lecture on the lives of British Loyalists during the Revolutionary War. Dr. Bell is currently a professor of history at the University of Maryland, and received his PhD from Harvard University and his BA from the University of Cambridge. The lecture went hand-in-hand with the St. Augustine Lighthouse's newest exhibit Wrecked!, [...]