
Shrimp Boat City

Life on the Beautiful Lower Atchafalaya

2016-11-02T08:00:02-04:00November 2nd, 2016|

A huge truck nearly ran me off the road, whizzing past only inches away. As the horn blare tapered off, I realized rubbernecking on this stretch of road is a full-contact sport. Late September found me on one of the most industrial roads in America, yet deep in the heart of the bayou. Highway 1 winds south from the Mississippi River, tracing through Belle Rose, Thibodaux (don’t pronounce the ‘h’), Galliano, Golden Meadows, and finally [...]

St. Augustine Native Ed Long Receives 2016 Florida Folk Heritage Award

2016-08-12T10:34:30-04:00August 12th, 2016|

The State of Florida presented local resident and former shrimp boat captain Ed Long with an award honoring his efforts to preserve the history of St. Augustine’s shrimping and boatbuilding industries. ST. AUGUSTINE, FL. – In 81 years, St. Augustine resident James Edwin “Ed” Long has witnessed a lot of change in his hometown. From 1951 until the 1990s, Long worked in the shrimping and shrimp boat building industry. Today, he is a keeper of [...]