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We had a field day!


“Ghostbusting?” asked a passer-by. No, archaeology of course! Here is Jody Bulman before and after a hot, sweaty and entertaining magnetometer training morning on the lawn in front of [...]

Summer Educational Programs Wrap Up!


For over  20 years, the St. Augustine Lighthouse & Maritime Museum has hosted summer camps filled with educational, exciting, hands-on learning experiences. Campers learn about their community, its history [...]

Museum Memberships


Memberships  Your Membership Helps the Museum Fund the Following and So Much More! Preserve the working 1874 Lighthouse Tower and the original Keepers’ House where Lighthouse Keepers [...]

About US


The St. Augustine Lighthouse & Maritime Museum, Inc. is a private, non-profit museum dedicated to its mission “to discover, preserve, present and keep alive the stories of the [...]

Current Projects


The current research goal of the St. Augustine Lighthouse Archaeological Maritime Program (LAMP) is to better understand and share the founding story of the oldest port city in [...]

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