Every year in mid-October, archaeological organizations and advocacy groups come together across the globe to celebrate International Archaeology Day. They gather to share  to share their discoveries with locals and visitors alike, to let people know how and why archaeologists research what they do, and hopefully, to get people excited about learning about our history and the importance of preserving our past for our future.

This year, International Archaeology Day took place on October 15th. The Jacksonville Chapter of the Archaeological Institute of America (AIA) held an Archaeology Fair at the Beaches Museum in celebration of the day.  Lighthouse Archaeologists Brendan Burke and Olivia McDaniel joined the festivities, presenting our research on the submerged cultural resources in Northeast Florida.

Other displays invited visitors to engage in mock digs, make their own pottery in Native American styles, and displayed artifacts ranging from prehistoric times to the Civil War. A great day of archaeological fun was had by all, and we here at the lighthouse were glad to have been a part of the festivities! Keep an eye out for next year’s International Archaeology Day, and maybe you to can join in on the fun.


The Lighthouse’s display at the Archaeological Institute of America’s Jacksonville chapter International Archaeology Day Fair.

Archaeologist Olivia McDaniel first joined the St. Augustine Lighthouse & Maritime Museum team in 2012 as a student at LAMP’s Underwater Archaeology Field School. She officially joined the lighthouse family as an archaeologist in July, 2014, after completing her bachelor’s degree at the University of Idaho.