From now until our Wrecked! Exhibition Grand Opening on May 5th, we will be sharing weekly videos with insights on the new exhibit every Tuesday on Periscope, followed by a re-cap blog post and video every Wednesday. Follow along as we unveil this exciting new exhibit at the St. Augustine Lighthouse & Maritime Museum!
Do you know how archaeologists find shipwrecks?
This and many other questions about the science behind underwater archaeology are answered in our new shipwreck exhibit, Wrecked!.
In this week’s sneak peek video, go behind-the-scenes in the new exhibit with Chuck Meide, Director of the Lighthouse Archaeological Maritime Program (LAMP), and Olivia McDaniel, Lighthouse Archaeologist.
Video Highlights:
- 0:58 – When was this shipwreck found?
- 2:21 – How do archaeologists document shipwrecks?
- 3:43 – Special “Hello” from an underwater diver!
- 4:44 – See hanks, iron spikes and bits of sail cloth recovered from this shipwreck.
- 5:14 – Did you know sailors marked their spoons?
- 5:50 – How did uniform buttons help solve the puzzle behind this shipwreck?
- 6:53 – What amazing thing was found inside a cauldron on the shipwreck?
- 8:08 – Why are there ax marks in the ship’s deck pump?
- 10:16 – What was it like when this ship ran aground?
- 11:38 – How many cannons were found on this shipwreck?
- 13:05 – What was it like when archaeologists recovered the cannon?
- 13:32 – What clue were archaeologists hoping to find on the ship’s bell?