A really great article on our work on the Storm Wreck just came out in the Charleston paper, The Post and Courier:
This week, archaeologists with the St. Augustine Lighthouse and Museum found a button on a Florida shipwreck that may help identify it as one of those ships that left Charleston in the waning days of the Revolutionary War.
Chuck Meide, archaeology director at the Lighthouse Archaeological Maritime Program, said divers found a button on the ship that appears to have the number “74” on it. That could identify it as a button of the uniform of a soldier in the British Army’s 74th Regiment, Campbell’s Highlanders.
That regiment helped evacuate Charleston more than two years after they took the city in the longest siege of the Revolution.
Meide said the button only reinforces the belief that they are excavating one of the lost Loyalist ships.
“It’s just like everything is really coming together, every piece we find,” Meide said.
We have since realized that what we thought was a 74 is actually a 71, which makes more sense as the 71st Regiment was in Charleston and evacuated on the last fleet to leave that city.
Read the entire article here, its great!