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We are pleased to announce the 2011 LAMP Boatworks Boat Show, to be held on Saturday, March 19th. This is part of the annual St. Augustine Lighthouse & Museum Lighthouse Festival. Last year we had a very nice collection of traditional watercraft show up from all over Florida. This year is our second year including a boat show as part of the Lighthouse Festival and we are looking forward to it! Boats we seek include traditional watercraft powered by sail, oar, or engine. This includes wooden boats built using traditional plans, methods, and/or materials. This is a fun event and if you have not visited our museum, it is open to the public for free on Festival day and we routinely host 5,000 or more visitors every year.

The Lighthouse is conveniently located next to a free, public boat ramp as well. So, if you would like to go for a cruise after the show, the ramp is available for your use along with a large parking lot. For out of town folks, hotels are also conveniently located nearby.
To check out out boatbuilding program, click HERE.
If you would like to show a boat, please contact bburke@staugustinelighthouse.org and include the following:
-type of boat
-name of boat
-year of manufacture
-place of manufacture
-builder’s name
-owner’s name
-powered by (engine type, # of oars, sail plan, etc.)
-where homeported
-length overall
-any other particulars you wish to have on a display placard
The details of the show:
Location: St. Augustine Lighthouse and Museum (81 Lighthouse Avenue, St. Augustine, FL 32080)
When: Saturday March 19th, 10:00-6:00 (please arrive no later than 9:30 to be placed)
Cost: none
Registration: So we can plan for spacing and displaying the boats, we ask that you please let us know that you will be bringing a boat. Thanks!

*Since this is a Lighthouse event, we do not allow non-lighthouse sales at Festival, including boat sales.*