

Sifting through the muck

2016-09-28T08:00:17-04:00September 28th, 2016|

Every year, our research arm, the Lighthouse Archaeological Maritime Program (LAMP), heads out on the water to either survey for new wrecks, target test potential anomalies from said surveys or locate and excavate archaeological sites underwater. How exactly does LAMP work underwater and get the artifacts for the conservation team? Unlike a “traditional” land site, we cannot simply dig up the dirt and move it to the side with shovels and wheelbarrows. We instead do [...]

St. Augustine Lighthouse & Museum Volunteer Receives State Award

2015-01-15T10:52:00-05:00January 15th, 2015|

Governor Rick Scott and Volunteer Florida CEO Chester Spellman presented Sue Callaham with the Champions of Service award, recognizing her for donating over 2,000 hours to the museum’s educational and historical programs. TALLAHASSEE, FL. – Amid thunderous applause, Governor Rick Scott and Volunteer Florida CEO Chester Spellman honored six Floridians with the Champions of Service award at a state cabinet meeting on Tuesday morning, Jan. 13th. Among the recipients of Florida’s only statewide recognition program [...]