
Storm Wreck

Surprise Finds in Conservation

2015-03-25T08:00:46-04:00March 25th, 2015|

Artifacts are not always readily recognizable when looking at the mass of sand and shell that is brought up. We take X-rays of the concretion to see if there are any artifacts of interest or something unique within. If there are items we would like to work on, we try to identify what the artifact is and what to expect when chiseling off the concretion. This, however, primarily limits us to whatever shows up the [...]

The Secret Behind a Storm Wreck X-Ray

2015-02-25T08:00:56-05:00February 25th, 2015|

When concretions are brought up from the Storm Wreck excavation site, they are documented meticulously. This is to in order to record the location and any possible relation to surrounding artifacts and the site as a whole. However, unless there are some very telling diagnostics or features, it’s usually very tough to tell what the concretion actually is. For this, we take the concretions to get X-rayed. A two-legged mystery Artifact 234 came out of [...]

Copper cauldrons

2015-01-28T08:00:53-05:00January 28th, 2015|

You never know exactly what you will come across when conserving artifacts. When an artifact is found on site, it is documented, photographed and X-rayed to determine what it is and if it’s something of interest to conserve. Sometimes, though, objects will be too thick or have too much material in the way to give a clear X-ray image. Fortunately, in some instances, the artifact is identifiable and easier to work on. In December 2010, [...]

Conserving the Past: Saving the “Storm Wreck” Cannons

2014-11-04T08:00:55-05:00November 4th, 2014|

As part of an exhibit project sponsored in part by the Department of State, Division of Historical Resources and the State of Florida, two of the largest and most recognizable artifacts at the St. Augustine Lighthouse & Museum are currently undergoing a little extra conservation. Visitors to the lighthouse have seen two cannons outside of the Keeper’s House for the last few years. The 4-pound long gun and the 9-pound carronade were excavated in the summer of [...]

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