
Legends of the Light

The Lamp Changer

2018-03-07T12:06:16-05:00March 7th, 2018|

Did you know that the Lighthouse can change its own lightbulb? Well, it can and has been doing so for many years now. In 1936, electricity was first brought to the Lighthouse. This meant significant changes for the Lighthouse keepers since they no longer had to carry buckets of kerosene to the top of the lighthouse to burn in the lamp to create the light. Now light bulbs did the work of producing the light! [...]

Unique research, conservation and visitor lab space opens at St. Augustine Lighthouse & Maritime Museum

2017-10-04T15:01:25-04:00October 4th, 2017|

Museum opens new Maritime Archaeology & Education Center as part of the progress of the Maritime Heritage Park ST. AUGUSTINE, Fla. – On Thursday, September 28th the Museum celebrated a project twenty years in the making with the opening of a new building that houses an education and exhibit space as well as conservation labs, research library, an x-ray room and offices. Over one hundred people including elected officials, the Museum’s Board of Trustees, Museum [...]

Learn About Our New Exhibit During Museum Week

2017-06-14T10:14:38-04:00June 14th, 2017|

Legends of the Light After months of planning, we are less than a week away from beginning the installation of Legends of the Light a new exhibit here at the St. Augustine Lighthouse & Maritime Museum. The landings of the staircase will display historic photographs and stories of the people who lived and worked at the Lighthouse. The Maritime Archaeology & Education Center (MAEC) will present more keepers’ stories and play host to a large [...]

Opening Soon! Legends of the Light Exhibit

2017-05-17T12:42:42-04:00May 17th, 2017|

Right now, the sounds of construction punctuate the Lighthouse grounds, as a new building takes shape. The Maritime Archaeology & Education Center (MAEC) will house offices, education space, a maritime archaeology center, and a new exhibit space. Behind the scenes, our Interpretation division is working with exhibit designers to create an engaging and informative exhibit detailing the history of the St. Augustine Lighthouse and the people that lived and worked there. Maria Andreu was [...]