In case you couldn’t make it to our Cannon Unveiling last Friday, here are some videos.
A brief bit of the speech before the unveiling . . .
The cannons are revealed . . .
Close-up view of the markings on the carronade (“9 P” designating this gun as a 9-pounder, and the year 1780) . . .
Good view of the carronade, from muzzle to breech . . .
Good view of both guns . . .
We also had other artifacts from the Storm Wreck on display. Here two of our interns, Jessica Bunke (UNF) and Nicole Alvarez (Flagler College) show off some rare treasures at the artifact table (note when our intern says “cannon clapper” she meant bell clapper, from the ship’s bell) . . .
Plus here is a video of our Archaeological Conservator Starr Cox discussing the stabilization process the cannons will undergo for the next one to two years . . .