For those of you who haven’t heard, LAMP archaeologists yesterday raised a cauldron from an 18th century shipwreck off St. Augustine. It came up without any problems and is a fine artifact in great shape which promises to reveal many more secrets. We invited a lot of press to cover the event, and they all did a great job with some great stories. First Coast News (TV12) did a great story on the raising of the cauldron, to watch it click the link above.
Links to more news stories and videos are below . . .
Action News Jax (TV47) also had a great story, click above to watch.
Another Jacksonville news station, Channel 4, did an awesome story as well, but their video doesn’t appear to be online yet. Click here to read their story.
The Florida Times-Union also had a great story, with this accompanying video above. The only problem with it is that the write, Dan Scanlan, talks about “historical gold” in a figurative sense, and other outlets have misinterpreted that to mean there might be real gold in the cauldron! Needless to say, gold was not stored in the kitchen cook pot!
We also made the front page of the St. Augustine Record, our local paper here in the nation’s oldest port. Click here to read it!