Join us this Friday and Saturday, February 26-27, as we celebrate the rich maritime history of our nation’s oldest port. The St. Augustine and the Sea symposium is sponsored by the St. Augustine Historical Society, the Lighthouse Archaeological Maritime Program (LAMP), the St. Augustine Lighthouse and Museum, and the City of St. Augustine. All events are free and open to the public!
For a full schedule of speakers, please continue reading below . . .
(All events are open to the public!)
Friday, February 26, 7:00 p.m., Flagler Room, Flagler College
Sailing the Atlantic: Exploration and Discovery of Rivers in the Ocean
Stan Ulanski, Ph.D., James Madison University
Author of The Gulf Stream: Tiny Plankton, Giant Bluefin, and the Amazing Story of the Powerful River in the Atlantic from the University of North Carolina Press
Saturday, February 27, 10, Alcazar Room (City Commission Meeting Room) 75 King Street
Morning Session
Maritime Insights from St. Augustine’s British Port Records
Samuel Turner, Ph.D. St. Augsutine Lighthouse and Museum, Inc and the Lighthouse Archaeological Maritime Program
Hello Sailor! St. Augustine as a Seaport, 1784-1821
James G. Cusick, Ph.D.
Warships off the Coast during WWII
Michael Gannon, Ph.D.
Afternoon Session, Saturday, February 27, at 1:15 pm
Prehistoric Shell Mounds, Middens and Rings
Christine Newman, M.A.
Social History of Oysters in Florida
Diane Wakemann, MA
Coquina Homes for Private Projects
Susan R. Parker, Ph.D.
St. Augustine Historical Society
Also stay tuned for St. Augustine and the Sea II, which will be held during the Northeast Florida Symposium on Maritime Archaeology, March 17-20.