It seems impossible that another year has gone by, but I have been in Weston, FL for the past couple of days for our yearly Florida Attractions Association conference.

My buddy Steve Geis from Kennedy Space Center Visitor’s Complex is wraping up his year as Chairman of the Board, and I was voted onto the board today after finishing one year as his Governmental Affairs Liaison. We had the arrival of the gavel today (a most serious event) by a couple of characters from deep space, and heard a great talk by former Apollo Astronaut Al Worden who commanded Apollo 15.
After a lot of really engaging sessions we headed off tonight to “Wannado City,” a local attraction for kids where they get hands-on experience at the job of their dreams. They served us a great dinner and then gave us the grand tour. It was a pretty amazing place.
We wrap things up tomorrow with a breakfast for the installation of the new board members followed Josh Hallet of Hyku giving a presentation on graduate level social media. I am most thankful to the St. Augustine Lighthouse Board of Directors and my Executive Director Kathy Fleming for allowing me the time to serve with these professional colleagues for the betterment of Florida tourism. There is no bigger bang for the buck for families looking for quality experiences than our great state, and these folks work very hard to make sure that never changes.